
Java, Server, Database Tutorials

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Month: May 2022

Send GET request using cURL

1. Check if cURL is installed 2. HTTP GET request 3. HTTP GET request and follow redirects 4. HTTP GET with json 5. HTTP GET with xml 6. Save the output of HTTP GET to file 7. Retrieving only the response headers 8.  Retrieving a verbose result using cURL

Split a String in Java

In order to separate the character string in Java using a separator, we can use the split method of the String class as shown below : Output :

Format LocalDateTime in Java | Convert String to LocalDateTime

1. Format LocalDateTime with DateTimeFormatter : Output : currentLocalDateTime : 2022-05-28T11:13:13.675 currentLocalDateTime : 2022-05-28 11:13:13 2. Convert String to LocalDateTime Output : dateString : 2022-05-01 16:25 formatDateTime : 2022-05-01T16:25 formatDateTime after format : 2022-05-01 16:25

First Java Program | Hello World

1. Requirements : For executing any Java program, the following software or application must be properly installed. Install the JDK if you don’t have installed it, download the JDK and install it. Set path of the jdk/bin directory. Create the Java program Compile and run the Java program 2. The Java . . . Read more